Strategies to Improve Overall Workforce Performance

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Workforce is a broad term to describe the speed, quality, and efficiency of workers. Human resources if the primary health system input which oversees workforce performance by addressing worker distribution, training, disciplinary actions, conflict resolution, and leadership concerns. During addressing these factors HR must recognize and take into consider the internal and external environmental factors which influence human behavior to have a comprehensive understanding of different cultural, demographic, and geographic differences which exist in a diverse workforce. Healthcare law and regulatory guidelines are topics requiring ongoing attention to stay current with the evolving nature of healthcare. The ability to adapt to change and accept uncertainty as a reality are valuable skills a workforce can possess. Our external environment is reciprocal to how we behave within our organizations, but they do not evolve synonymously with the same intensity or with the same timing. This may lead to disruptions in the workforce. Covid-19 was a prime example of this.

Soft skills also known as “people skills” or “interpersonal skills” include effective communication, the ability to work with a team, good leadership, critical thinking, work ethic, adaptability, time management, conflict resolution, creativity, and self-care.  Encouraging an environment of interdependence is a valuable strategy to encourage an increase in workforce performance because it increases inclusivity and autonomy. Allowing others to have input on certain topics increases morale and fosters an environment where workers can feel appreciated. A collaborative approach is better received than a ‘hero’ approach where leaders dictate how goals will be met on a predetermined basis. A collaborative approach often shows transparency, vulnerability, and openness to facilitate a plan for success while encouraging group support. A great leader is aware they are unable to tackle these goals alone and looks to others for a greater combined success.

Workforce planning involves the strategic leveraging of data to examine where gaps exist in the distribution of healthcare professionals and which challenges exist. A data driven approach quantifies the external and internal influences to provide insight on workforce performance measures. Descriptive analytics examine historical data on past trends and patterns, predictive analytics consider descriptive analytical data and algorithms to predict future events, prescriptive analytics recommend actions to impact future events, and diagnostic analytics work to identify the ‘root cause’ of workplace challenges. Together these different forms of analytics help improve workforce performance through data-driven decision-making. Human capital management skills can help in the recruiting and retainment of workforce by addressing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ workers behave the way they do.

I believe the workforce is strengthened when teamwork is practiced, and management is passed from the ‘top down’. A clear and consistent approach is needed to demonstrate a stable leadership role from management and human resources. A roadmap for success should be shared and re-visited regularly to ensure everyone has input and that goals are reasonably measurable. In my personal experience the lack of feeling appreciated, unsatisfactory pay, and a lack of cohesiveness between departments leads to a decrease in morale and occasionally the resignation of workers. With many obstacles in the healthcare workforce, it is increasingly important to recognize the opportunities we have to strengthen our workforce.