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I have learned a significant amount of information pertaining to healthcare law and how to implement strategies for increased compliance mechanisms through continuing education. Healthcare professionals have complex job duties, and each modality of care has its own set of rules and patient care standards to be considered. While many laws and regulations are universal for all healthcare professionals, ethical boundaries are a subsequent concern to address in healthcare. It is important we value the law and ethical guidelines in how we treat patients and employees in healthcare to provide quality care. Changes occur daily in healthcare making it increasingly challenging for human resources, management, and unions to stay current and cohesive on topics of healthcare law. I have learned how my role as a future healthcare administrator can shape the future of healthcare deliverance. I am excited to be able to make a true difference in people’s lives because I know how discouraging it can be not having the financial and human support as a healthcare professional. Healthcare management includes a variety of disciplines coming together to achieve a common goal set forth by an organization. My plan is to seek employment in healthcare administration with an organization whose core values match mine so I can share a genuine passion with the work I exude. Working as a massage therapist and dental hygienist has given me the opportunity to work directly with patients by providing direct patient care and education. I look forward to utilizing my clinical skills so I can have a better understanding of the “big picture” when I trade roles in becoming a non-clinical administrator. My MBA knowledge has added much knowledge to better support my non-clinical role by providing me with the general knowledge of how medical facilities operate within a legal and ethical landscape. As a future healthcare administrator, I will take the time to educate myself and others on the topics I have learned throughout my MBA program and in this course to provide a work environment which fosters an interdepartmental approach to achieving organizational goals while increasing job satisfaction and employee morale.