Category: HSAD 545: Business Intelligence in Health Systems

Reflective Journal

  • Interoperability of systems and data

    Interoperability in healthcare is defined as the ability to share, interpret, and use data strategically to improve patient care outcomes. Barriers in achieving interoperability of systems include technical challenges, organizational resistance, and regulatory constraints which may be addressed by the adoption of universal data standards. There are differing degrees of interoperability and items can be… Read more

  • The impact of information technology (IT) on healthcare

    The implementation of IT in healthcare is transformative and innovative because it has enhanced the accessibility, quality, and effectiveness of care through the use of electronic health records (EHRs), and other business intelligence (BI) tools for data systems integration and interoperability measures. IT has been revolutionary to healthcare due to the ability to provide a… Read more

  • “Big Data” in healthcare

    The definition of ‘big data’ can be stated as “datasets whose size is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyze”, and ‘big data’ is “high in velocity, volume, and variety”. Big data comes in many forms and includes electronic health records (EHRs), data collected by wearable patient devices,… Read more

  • Business Intelligence (BI)

    Business Intelligence (BI) refers to tools which can be implemented into health systems to organize and analyze data across multiple databases and a diverse set of systems. BI seeks to take ‘big data’, unstructured data into easy-to-read and interpret information conveyed through spreadsheets, reporting and query software, data visualization, data mining tools, and online analytical… Read more