Category: HCAD 510: Health Law and Human Services

Reflective Journal

  • Health Information Management Departmental Functions and Purpose

    The role of IT departments in healthcare is to implement and manage certain technologies to streamline patient care. This is accomplished with electronic health records (EHRs), clinical decision support systems (CDSS), telemedicine, patient portals, medical device integration, interoperability practices, training, support, data security, and privacy. Hospitals can incorporate updated safety standards and legal guidelines into… Read more

  • Integrated Health Systems (IHS)

    Integrated health systems (IHS) are organizational frameworks involving various healthcare services under a unified structure. The primary goal of IHS is coordinate patient care across different levels of service from primary care to specialized care to ensure a seamless experience for patients while enhancing the overall efficiency in health services. Continuity of care ensures patient… Read more

  • Conclusion: Integrated health systems in healthcare

    I have never been much of a tech person, but I realize the importance of data analytics and health systems in the future of healthcare. There are many ways in which technology can help us to advance in a time of increased need, and the constant question of sacrificing quality of care to save on… Read more

  • Introduction & Summary

    I am excited to explore a career in healthcare administration after the completion of my MBA. For my entire life I have worked in healthcare, and for as long as I have been aware a profession in healthcare is all I have ever been interested in. When I started college in my late 20’s I… Read more

  • Human Resources Employee Benefits Package

    The benefits packages offered through employers are a driving force to accept a new job offer, or may attract us to stay in the position we are currently in. The American Hospital Association (AHA) estimates by the year of 2026 a shortage of 3.2 million healthcare workers. The shortages are attributed highly to worker burnout… Read more

  • Strategies to Improve Overall Workforce Performance

    Workforce is a broad term to describe the speed, quality, and efficiency of workers. Human resources if the primary health system input which oversees workforce performance by addressing worker distribution, training, disciplinary actions, conflict resolution, and leadership concerns. During addressing these factors HR must recognize and take into consider the internal and external environmental factors… Read more

  • Labor Union Impact on Human Resources Management

    Labor unions play a significant role in human resources management activities while influencing various aspects of workforce management, employee relations, and organizational policies. Three principles which form an effective union-employer relationship are early and open communication, leadership support, and strategies for staff empowerment. The union participates in overseeing wages and benefits, collective bargaining, employee representation,… Read more

  • Challenges Human Resources Management Face When Stafing Healthcare Organizations

    The role of a human resources director is complex and involves a multitude of concerns. Staffing of healthcare organizations presents a unique set of challenges due to the specific demands and regulatory guidelines. Healthcare provider shortages are a growing concern and the top challenge HR experiences in staffing is a talent shortage. It is estimated… Read more

  • Legal Issues in the Workplace

    The most common workplace legal issues arise from employment discrimination, harassment, wage and hour violations, retaliation, workplace safety concerns, wrongful termination, licensing and credentialing issues, patient confidentiality and HIPAA violations, breach of contract, and a lack of disability accommodations. Of all the legal issues listed, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) lists retaliation and reprisal… Read more

  • Human Resources: Legal & Ethical Environment

    It is important to understand the legal and ethical parameters of our professional environment and how human resources (HR) play a role in delegating the proper training to ensure that the laws and regulations are followed. To avoid legal consequences from illegal or unethical conduct, we must take the time to continually learn the changes… Read more